A year has passed since my last post. It was one of those best of times and worst of times years for me and my family. My wife passed away of Cancer on October 25, 2004 a young 58 year old, one of the most vibrant people I have ever met. We had a wonderful marriage for 32 years having lived in Montana for the first 7 years, in Saudi Arabia for the next 13 years and the remainder here near the seacoast of New England. Even though she was in tremendous pain she retained her sense of humour and positive attitude until the end. We travelled to places no other person in her shape would have attempted and enjoyed a nightly cocktail until her final short visit to the hospital.
It may be hard for others to understand how releaved we are that she has transitioned out of pain to that better place that was always a very big part of her. One the other hand the sadness of our loss sometimes overcomes our thanks for her gain.
Fortunately I have been very busy with one of my favorite clients
who has come closest to my goal of helping me make the world a better place with FileMaker. We do web register and run a large part of the data include generating their extensive website with FileMaker. FIRST (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology) sponsors lego and robotics competitions for kids. Helping them to gain confidence in their own skills and apply themselves toward careers where they can make a difference in the world.
I also wanted make a quick mention of my friend Vince Menano's new website and BLOG. He has been a good friend for years and many of you know him as the founder of Waves in Motion He has decided to make a transition in his life moving to California, selling his old business and starting FM•Nexus . Check out his new account manager product for FileMaker 7. which is up to his usual standards of excellence. He also has been posting an occasional blog to http://fmnexus.blogspot.com/ which makes interesting reading following his progress and aspirations.