The underlying motivation is that people who are jobless or in need have value to offer but which may have become blocked. Offering to match pay for work volunteers with work for pay applicants ( even for temporary personal service jobs) may be enough to give some folks a little more self confidence to find some new ways to help themselves.
This may be very pie in the sky, but has been rolling around in my subconscious for a couple years..
Since I am a FileMaker Developer and not looking to become a not profit service full time, I am going to be seeking partnership with volunteers who might help me with (among other things):
The concept
The website look and feel
The copy writing and editing for the website
Networking with 501c3 orgs who might be interested in the idea/structure
Part time staffing to help glue the parts together and keep things moving
Master Mind group of individuals for virtual concept review
Let me know what you think. Are you are interested in hearing more of the concept?