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Thursday, April 28, 2005

Loving MacJournal from Mariner Software

I am loving MacJournal from Mariner Software . This is a great notebook and journal keeping software which has built in capability to post directly to my Blog. I am posting this from my journal rather than going to a website and navigating to the correct page and pushing the correct series of buttons. It makes Blogging an order of magnitude more simple in my humbe opinion.

The same company also markets a great low cost word processor called Mariner Write and a spreadsheet called Mariner Calc. Their software has a Lifetime upgrade plan so you don't have to keep paying for the upgrades and these programs can replace their Microsoft alternatives at much lower cost. They may not have all the features of the Microsoft alternatives, but the result is that they are not as confusing to operate for those with modest needs and budgets.

Check them out.
