You Can Change Your Attitude.
Here in Montana it is bitter cold with scary wind chills. I hear a lot of folks voicing their displeasure with the cold weather. Bitching about things that you have no control over is a way to increase your stress levels. High stress levels lead to all kinds of physical ailments and a shorter active life (in my opinion)
You don’t have control over the weather but you can change your attitude. With just a little creativity, you can find something about the weather that you are grateful for. Stop voicing your frustration and learn to cope by voicing your gratitude.
If you can find nothing else to appreciate about the climate, feel grateful that you are eating regularly, sheltered and warm (I hope) and hopefully my shared paintings will help refocus your attention.
Joel Bowers is a digital artist publishing daily to his http://www.risingrims.comWeb site and to social media such as, ,,,