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Sunday, September 04, 2005

FileMaker 8 Rocks

I have just attended the annual FileMaker Developer Conference where FileMaker 8 was introduced. FileMaker 7 introduced some great new functionality and removed a lot of the old limits on FileMaker Database systems. Version 8 adds some great new usability features that will save time for users and developers alike, reducing the cost of development and improving responsiveness. We were told to expect speed improvements on the order of 20% for some actions. Users will love the new calendar input (without the use of an extra cost plugin) and the clairvoyance features which allows autocompleting based on a valuelist of data.

I have been tremendously busy helping my client FIRST to convert their system from FileMaker 6 to 7. We have put off completely rewriting the system from the ground up due to the magnitude of work involved. The conversion process went fairly smoothly after running the files through a utility to clean up the old file references.

Heading home now from a post conference vacation at the same Desert Ridge Marriott.
